
Welcome to the forefront of ecological innovation – CarbonGood by Ecocity Builders and UK inventor Mark Everson. Born from a merger of urban systems thinking and scientific insight, CarbonGood delivers on the core Ecocity Standards of Healthy Soils and Healthy and Accessible Food.

CarbonGood – the Future of Carbon Capture

At the heart of sustainable futures lies soil – a foundation of life. Through accessible and appropriate technology, CarbonGood ensures that healthy food, soil enrichment and carbon sequestration go hand-in-hand. Imagine thriving and resilient urban and peri-urban landscapes where soil is not just preserved but becomes more nutrient-dense and fertile, while requiring less water and chemical additives.

Urban Harvests, Redefining Access to Fresh Food

Envision cities as hubs of of food security. Fusing hydroponics with groundbreaking carbon capture, our technology sets a new benchmark for food accessibility and nutrition. By increasing access to urban farming, we’re connecting communities to fresh local produce while minimizing transportation footprints.

From Grassroots to Global Goals

CarbonGood is set to reshape urban green spaces, scaling up farming capabilities while nurturing ecological balance, in line with UN Global Goals. Working together, we’re introducing urban ‘acupuncture points’ that replenish the soil and complete the cycle of organic food production, reinforcing ecocity values and economic vitality.

Versatility in Design

Unveiling a modular, transportable approach, CarbonGood’s design speaks to the core of ecological versatility. Embedded elegantly within city life, CarbonGood units transform carbon emissions into agricultural gold, innovating green, chemical-free zones within and outside the built environment.

Join Us

In light of our commitment to citizen participation and access, Ecocity Builders is making CarbonGood’s stand-alone model an open initiative. Hosted on Onshape, we invite innovators, thinkers, and builders to join us in refining and customizing the CarbonGood system, propelling it to new heights of practical application and ecological impact.

If you’re interested in contributing to the evolution of CarbonGood, reach out to us at with “CarbonGood” in the subject line.

CarbonGood is an initiative of Ecocity Builders’ innovation team, aligning with the highest standards of urban ecological living. Recently beta-tested in Mexico, CarbonGood stands as a testament to practical ecocity innovation. Cheer us on as we vie for selection at MIT Solve 2024!