Ecocity 2019 Zero Waste Challenge

This is your opportunity to become more conscious of your consumption patterns and transform your everyday choices to deeper shades of green. We have put together a 30-day guide to becoming closer to zero waste.

Document your journey on Instagram and follow along with Eco-citizens around the world to share/compare what Eco-citizenship looks like in different cities and cultures. The 30 challenges will equip you with actionable items. As you tackle one challenge each day, or however many you have time for, document it with a photo or video and tag #ecocitygoingzero2019.


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Have fun with this, it’s a wonderful ride!

  • How it works

    • Step 1: Sign up.
    • Step 2: Familiarize yourself with the challenges sent to your email.
    • Step 3: Starting September 7th, share your own and follow others day by day journey on Instagram #ecocitygoingzero2019.
    • Step 4: After October 6th, share your overall impressions and experiences with us and your new zero waste community.

  • Helpful tips on the way:

      • Don’t let your summer travel plans get in the way. You can do a lot of challenges while visiting other places. If you sign up for the challenge here, we’ll send you extra materials including how you can travel zero waste.
      • If a challenge is not feasible or practical for you, share why. Learning about obstacles is just as important as celebrating achievements as we move toward living more sustainably.
      • If a challenge or its benefits aren’t available to you personally, be a change agent for others. Talk to people, share your ideas/concerns and educate about zero waste living.
      • If a challenge is not applicable to where you are, think about what might be a substitute.
      • If a challenge is not applicable/doable for you on a certain day, do it on another day when it’s a more natural fit. If you can do it before the scheduled day, you can get ahead of the game.
      • If a challenge feels too difficult or disruptive to your life, just do a small part of it or delve more deeply into a previous challenge.

There isn't a way to actually make zero trash right now, because everything we do is linked to an infrastructure that is linear. What we can do is create a mindset that helps to navigate us through our current disposable culture. A circular mindset is a way to rethink our daily consumer and lifestyle habits to help us reduce our trash and plastic footprint. It's also a mindset that encourages us to add value back into the things we use, the communities we live in, the food we eat, those who create the materials we consume and the resources used to make them.

Andrea Sanders, Be Zero