Ecocities need ecocitizens. It’s not enough to have green buildings and renewable energy if we are living throwaway lifestyles!
From July 1-30, 2018, Ecocity Builders organized the Ecocity 30-Day Zero Waste Challenge campaign to connect the threads of personal actions to broader ecocity ideals to transform our everyday choices to deeper shades of green.
In partnership with Liberated Spaces,, and Stop Waste, the challenge included topics like zero waste grocery shopping, recycling, walking and biking, saving water, composting and decluttering your life.
Documenting their journey through #EcocityGoingZero on Instagram, ecocitizens everywhere tackled some of the most pressing zero waste challenges of our time as well as delved into deeper arenas of personal habit and behavior change, while following along with fellow participants around the world to share/compare what ecocitizenship looks like in different cities and cultures.
To find out more about this campaign, take a look at the 30 challenges, or stay updated on or become involved in future iterations of this campaign, please contact us through the form on this page.
There isn't a way to actually make zero trash right now, because everything we do is linked to an infrastructure that is linear. What we can do is create a mindset that helps to navigate us through our current disposable culture. A circular mindset is a way to rethink our daily consumer and lifestyle habits to help us reduce our trash and plastic footprint. It's also a mindset that encourages us to add value back into the things we use, the communities we live in, the food we eat, those who create the materials we consume and the resources used to make them.