Focus Lab in Chennai, India: Ecocity from the perspective of Smart City

This month, an Ecocity Builders delegation will be traveling to Chennai, India to co-convene an Ecocity Focus Lab on the topic of Smart Ecocities. At the core of the discussion will be an analysis of Chennai’s Ecocity Footprint, a measure of how Chennai is currently doing in regard to its demand on nature’s resources.


Day 1, Comparison of Eco-cities and Smart Cities Framework

-Confirmed keynote presentation:

Kirstin Miller, Executive Director, Ecocity Builders

-Partner presentations

-Table discussion

-Concluding notes for the day

Day 2, Ecocities & Smart Cities on Resources Consumption

-Confirmed keynote presentation:

Dr. Jennie Moore, Associate Dean, BCIT

Dr. Jayasree Vencatesan, Care Earth Trust

-Partner presentations

-Table discussion

-Concluding notes for the day

Day 3, Ecocities & Smart Cities perspective on Quality of Life

-Confirmed keynote presentation:

Biju Kuriakose, Architecture Red, Chennai

Lalit Kishor Bhatti, Auroville

-Partner presentations

-Table discussion

Day 4, Planning for Ecocity & Compilation of the Focus-Lab

-Confirmed keynote presentation:

Richard Pruetz, former Planning Director

Burbank, Los Angeles Metro Area

-Ecocity compilation, Steven Bercu, President, Ecocity Builders

-Smart-City compilation, Raj Cherubal, CEO, Chennai Smart City

Keynote Address:

Day 1 – Ecocities and Smart Cities Frameworks

Day 2 – Resources Consumption from the view of EcoCity & Smart City

Day 3 – Quality of Life from the view of Eco-City & Smart City

Can Chennai move forward with smarter planning and development while protecting critical natural resource stocks and sheds? We will share the outcomes and conclusions with you next month.
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