Individual and Group discounts to Ecocity World Summit, the longest running conference series on sustainable cities. ECOCITY 2019 will be hosted by Vancouver, Canada, October 7-11, 2019. Discount activates January 2019 when registration opens.
Professional Development and Network
Invite your staff to participate in a free monthly professional development and networking webinar series, “The Ecocity Sessions” featuring Ecocity Builders and our global membership. We will showcase pioneering ecocity projects from around the world and explore their impacts with interviews and presentations from our partners and members.
Free one hour online or offline workshop with an Ecocity Builders team member, in person in the Bay Area or online for up to 100 people. Learn about our organization, what we do, and get some hands-on experience with our methods and educational materials with a mini GeoDesign workshop or webinar.
Ecocity 30-Day Zero Waste Challenge — build ecocitizenship and awareness inside your company with an entirely fun and customizable 30-Day Zero Waste Challenge. We will get you up and running, all you need to do is decide what month to start. Check it out on #ecocitygoingzero on Instagram.
Logo/link on our website and our monthly newsletter which goes out to 10,0000 subscribers/month.
Qualify to enroll in a special, members-only organization version of Urbinsight, our flagship educational program. We have designed a member version for qualifying organizations. Organize information, analyze results and plan projects. Urbinsight can be tailored for your company or your community.
Qualify to participate in Ecocities Without Borders – our new travel-based program where you get to visit our pilot city projects around the world and pitch in to help out. This program works with both individuals and groups.
Membership Fee: $2500/year USD