ISOCARP Partners with Philips on Livable Cities Award: Now Open for Entries

The Award is open for entries, with the deadline for submissions being 5pm CET, 28 October 2010.
ISOCARP is actively supporting the Philips Livable Cities Award, a global initiative designed to encourage individuals, businesses, community and non-governmental groups to develop practical, achievable ideas for improving the health and well-being of people living in cities – ideas which can then be translated into reality.

The Award is being overseen by a supervisory panel of independent experts. There are three award categories: Well-being Outdoors; Independent Living; and Healthy Lifestyle at Work and Home. The overall winning idea from any of these three categories will receive a grant of €75,000, and an idea from each of the two remaining categories will both also receive grants of €25,000 each.

The Award is open for entries now, with the deadline for submissions being 5pm CET, 28 October 2010. Further information on the Award criteria and categories plus an entry form can be found at:

In addition, ISOCARP haS established a new featured group on the professional social networking site LinkedIn to facilitate an issues-driven discussion among people interested in making cities more healthy and livable places. You can join the discussion group, called “Creating Healthy, Livable Cities,” by clicking here:

The International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP) is a global association of experienced professional planners. It was founded in 1965 in a bid to bring together recognised and highly-qualified planners in an international network. The ISOCARP network brings together individual and institutional members from more than 80 countries worldwide. As a non-governmental organisation ISOCARP is recognized by the UN, UNHCS and the Council of Europe. The Society also has a formal consultative status with UNESCO. More about ISOCARP

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